Mobile Tertiary Impact Crushers UTC1210UTC1210



Model Unit UTC1210 UTC1313 UTC1315
Crusher Type    TC1210 TC1313 TC1315
Crusher Entrance Mouth (mm) 1000 x 500 1300 x 500 1500 x 500
Rotor Rotor Dimensions (mm) Ø1200 x 1000 Ø1300 x 1300 Ø1300 x 1500
Capacity (tph) 110 180 240
Motor Power (kW) 185 315 2 x 200
Length  (m) 7 7 7
Width  (m) 2,7 3,1 3,6
Height  (m) 4,4 4,4 4,4
Weight  (kg) 24000 28000 35000


Mobile Units

Muka Mobile Units, like fixed units, are designed to meet the expectations of
customers with high strength design and ease of transportation and installation.
•Quick commissioning.
•Field adaptability, easy displacement.
•Meeting expectations at different capacities.
